Our mission is to guide people of all backgrounds into a
personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

About Us

About Calvary Temple AG Church

Founded over 30 years ago, CTAG is an Evangelical Church located in Whitefield, Bangalore.  We have a diverse mix of people from different cultures, races, ethnicities, professions, lifestyles, religions and ages.  With God’s direction, CTAG has grown to establish a range of ministries including: Discipleship Ministry, Missions, Women’s Ministry, Men’s Fellowship, Prayer Ministry, Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry, Married Couples’ Fellowship.

Mission Statement

The mission of CTAG is to gather God’s people to jointly work together to bring them into the knowledge of the Son of God, through work of the ministry which magnifies the body of Christ. The work of the ministry will encourage daily living through Christian principles in the lives of our family, youth and community, through worship, education, support, and cultural awareness for the perfecting of believers who are called in the unity of faith to insure salvation, happiness, health, and strength.



Sunday Worship Schedule


7:00 am to 8:30 am


8:30 am to 10:00 am


10:00 am to 11:30 am

‘Miracle Hour’ Prayer Every Friday From 7 pm To 8:30 pm

 Naomi Fellowship (single women/widows)Every Third Thursday Of The Month From 11:00 am

Get in Touch!

Byrappa Layout, D’ Souza Layout, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066, Email: contact@calvarytempleagchurch.org
Contact: +91-9611 690 843 | +91-9789 603 058